photo by Mae O’Callaghan

photo by Mae O’Callaghan

At an early age I found myself intrigued by music. Next to the last in a family of eight, with older siblings that could sing and play instruments, this pretty much guaranteed my involvement in music to some extent.

Fast forward some thirty years and short ventures into violin, piano, voice, and guitar lessons, I had found the guitar to be my instrument of choice. Now let's add twenty plus more years of singing groups, several bands, and sideman projects and an insatiable desire to collect the tools of the trade to the equation, I realized I'd never put together and completed a project of my own.

While collecting, the thought always present was the nagging urge to start a business that would put to use the accumulation of equipment.

Noiz Box Productions is the manifestation of thoughts and dreams that I've had for many years. My goal is to provide a space and equipment that will allow artists to bring to life their dreams. In the process I hope to learn something from everyone I come in contact with, while at the same time completing projects of my own fulfilling my dream.

Paul Pugh
Noiz Box Productions